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Once you’ve submitted your interest, we review your previous tech roles filled to verify your skill-set is a match for our job reqs + clients. Once the recruiter agreement is signed, you’ll get login access to our app to start looking at open roles.

The best candidates only last a couple weeks and sometimes only days. When you have a hot candidate now, you need to provide them access to as many jobs they want NOW. 10×10 gives you instant access to more employers and increases your probability of earning recruiting fees for your hard work of finding the best candidates. All recruiters experience the wasted candidate problem – runner up candidates and left over candidates after a position is filled.

10×10 is powered by technology that result in better success than traditional splits. You have instant access hundreds of desirable startup jobs from a website. Many of the employers do not use traditional recruiting agencies.Full transparency on your candidates interview progress while continuously rematching your candidates to new job orders.

You own your candidates for 180 days from the date of the last confirmed submission (with candidate’s permission) to 10×10.


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