Looking to understand how the process works? Check out the below answers.

Send us your job description and our AI technology will start to identify the top talent in our network that matches your needs. Our professional recruiters then personally engage, pitch, and vet the candidates to interview with you.

We present only qualified and interested candidates with all the critical information you need to make decisions. No more wasting time reviewing unqualified profiles or laboring messages to get top candidates to respond to your outreach. Many of our clients tell us that we are their favorite recruiting solution because we are fast, efficient, and have the most qualified, interview-ready candidates.

Our recruiter stays connected with the candidate you are interested in throughout the interview process. We assist you with follow ups, interview scheduling, and provide you the intel about your competition and if you need to speed up your interview process. Introducing qualified candidates to you is just the beginning. We keep the candidates motivated throughout the process and help you “close” the candidate. We are always fast and efficient – just ask any of our clients. We always respond with 24 hours, often within minutes. We have a comprehensive dashboard, tracking all our candidates and we are available 7 days a week to serve you.

We do not bombard you with sub-par candidates. Only those who we know you’re going to take through your interview process. We can submit candidates directly to your Applicant Tracking System.

We’ve got an A+ record of the hires we’ve made for our clients, but we’re in this with you. If the hire doesn’t work out, we’ll go back to sourcing and finding the right person.


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